During Swiss Money Week, children and young people learn about handling money in a fun way. This year, a total of 320 school children from five primary, three middle and six high school classes in the cantons of Zurich, Schaffhausen and Bern took part in the tasks set by the Swiss Finance Museum.
Elementary school: Creative approach to money
The elementary school students created artistic collages on the topic of money. The classes were able to use suggested key questions, but also pursue their own questions on the topic of money - which many classes did. The results are creative and varied ideas that lead to careful implementation:
To reflect on their collage and delve even deeper into the topic of money, the Finance Museum invited the classes to the children's workshop “Money rules the world!”. Jill Zeller, a teacher at Küsnacht School, says: “A mother of a child in my class drew my attention to Swiss Money Week. It really was a great project. My third-grade class started by studying the topic of money in depth and made a creative collage about it. We were invited to a children's workshop on the subject. The children were very enthusiastic about this excursion. Definitely a great experience. I can only recommend it to others.”
Swiss Money Week, the Swiss branch of Global Money Week, took place this year from March 17 to 23, 2025. As an international initiative, it aims to raise awareness of financial topics among children and young people. The Financial Literacy Network, of which the Finance Museum is a member, organizes a variety of activities to strengthen financial education in Switzerland and thus counteract indebtedness.
Why is financial literacy important?
Various studies show a clear correlation. Financial literacy promotes economic success - individually and nationally. Early education can help to develop healthy financial behavior.
Stock exchange operator SIX has published a blog post on the occasion of Swiss Money Week 2025 that summarizes studies on the topic and provides insight into why financial education is crucial at a young age.
Intermediate and High school: calculations, research and discussions for the class camp
In the weeks leading up to Swiss Money Week, the intermediate and high school children planned a complete school trip - including budgeting, documentation, dealing with IT, research and probably numerous discussions about how to spend the given budget.
At two award ceremonies - one for the intermediate and one for the high-school level - the classes presented their exciting class camps. The award ceremonies took place immediately afterwards.
The winners
At two award ceremonies - one for the intermediate and one for the high-school level - the classes presented their exciting class camps. The award ceremonies took place immediately afterwards.
The winners of the competition were honored separately in the High School and Intermediate School levels:
High school:
- Schulhaus Gräfler Schauffhausen, Ms Stamm
- Schule Campus Glattal, Mr van Hoek
- Schule Stettbach, Mr Neukom
- Schule Stettbach, Ms Brechtel / Schule Stettbach, Mr Düngler /Schule Campus Glattal, Ms Pittet
- Schule Chriesiweg, Mr Keller
- Schule Milchbuck, Mr Behrendt / Schule Guggach, Mr Sheikh
Why take part?
The Jury
Impressions from the award ceremonies
Our partners
Asuera Stiftung
Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
Grütli Stiftung
Ramsay Foundation